To analyze subscriber behavior and identify credential sharing and fraudulent behaviours, Synamedia’s CSFEye solution analyzes subscribers' session data describing when a session was initiated, and for how long.
To perform CSFEye analysis, each session is analyzed using the following data attributes. The attribute properties are the recommended standard CSFEye data format. Additional options may be available upon request.
Attribute | Column Title | Type | Example | Description |
Account ID (hashed) | account_id | string | EAI6459785 | A constant unique id for each subscriber |
Device ID (hashed) | device_id | string | EDI7894123 | A constant unique id for each device |
IP address (V4 / V6) | ip_address | string($ipv4 / $ipv6) | / 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 | The IP address from which the user started the session |
Device Type / Model | device_type | string | AndroidTV | The type of the device (Smartphone, Set Top Box, PC...) |
Start Time (of a single session) | start_time | string($date-time) | 2021-10-02T22:20:53 | Start time of the session (UTC). Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss |
Stop Time (of the same session) | end_time | string($date-time) | 2021-10-02T23:24:47 | End time of the session (UTC). Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss |
User Agent and / or Application (optional) | user_agent | string | Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11) | User agent sent in the header of the request. |
To comply with data privacy requirements, Synamedia requires personal data to be obfuscated by hashing it. Specifically, account ID and device ID should be hashed and only uploaded to CSFEye in their hashed form. It is advised to maintain a mapping of the hashed values to the original values, to be able to take actions on the analyzed accounts.
To achieve actionable and insightful data the CSFEye’s algorithms require a minimum of 6 weeks of session data to be uploaded.
Data will be uploaded to a designated AWS S3 bucket, commonly done using SFTP or using standard AWS S3 tools. A data upload guide shall be provided by Synamedia when required. Alternative data upload methods are available upon request.