Gaining unauthorized access to streaming video services has never been easier. Users can obtain credentials from family and friends who share them casually. Alternatively, they can buy them on the cheap from fraudsters through legitimate or illicit marketplaces. Regardless of intention, credentials sharing cuts into your revenue in many more ways than just reduced subscriptions– from higher infrastructure costs, through inefficient marketing campaigns, to a tarnished reputation. To mitigate the impact of credentials sharing on your business, you need a solution that identifies, analyses, and responds to such activities. Synamedia’s Credentials Sharing Insight is that solution.
Credentials Sharing Insight (CSFEye) is a cloud-based user behavior analysis service enabling video streaming services to accurately identify credentials sharing activity allowing to trigger an appropriate response. CSFEye pinpoints and quantifies the threats that can lead to sharing activity throughout your user base. Once you understand the nature of the user behaviour that leads to sharing credentials, you can deliver the right response to the right user to reduce the impact on your business.
Given that CSFEye is a SaaS solution, all you need to do is onboard your user data and immediately gain insights into sharing activity among your users. The solution delivers results via intuitive dashboards to give you a clear picture of sharing and fraud activities across your service. And with the help of clear KPIs, CSFEye quantifies the impact of such rogue activities on your bottom line.
CSFEye lets you identify the opportunities to turn non-paying users into paying subscribers. It gives you the confidence to take action against specific sharers, without inconveniencing innocent users, to help ensure they remain loyal to your service. Continuously analysing subscriber activity data without impacting day-to-day operations, CSFEye protects your business and reputation, controls your infrastructure costs, and helps generate additional revenue streams.
Segment account owners to avoid inconveniencing innocent users
Tap into a hidden market already using your service to monetise it
Target and personalise the right response to the right audience to grow your subscriber base efficiently
Utilize KPIs based on proven behavioural analysis algorithms to quantify rogue activity
Take preventive action to achieve a rapid ROI
Leverage fine-tuned algorithms to ensure detection accuracy
Easily onboard your user data to gain rapid insights into subscriber misbehaviour
Get a full SaaS experience with intuitive, colourful dashboards to build an action plan