The goal of Playback is to analyze the Quality of Experience (QoE) of watching video by examining the rebuffering rate, and duration and playback errors.
Filters - Subtitle
Filters are provided for device group (Main, Companion, both), device type (specific type of device), session type, SVN (Software Version Number), time period (Last 24 hours, last 3 hours and last hour) and day part to refresh the numbers and charts across the dashboard.
Charts - Rebuffering
Rebuffering is a measure of video quality. Multiple charts are presented to analyse the duration of rebuffering in sessions impacted by rebuffering. The charts include rebuffering duration, percentage of rebuffering duration out of total duration, average rebuffering duration and average number of sessions experiencing rebuffering.
Table- Buffering sessions
This table provides data on buffering sessions at the content level, helping to identify specific content experiencing rebuffering issues.
Charts – Playback errors
Playback errors occur during playback. Percentage of playback errors of the total errors and volume of playback errors are captured in the charts.
Table – Video Quality errors
This table provides data on the number of playback errors at the content level, helping to identify specific content experiencing more errors.
Next Article – Capacity User Guide