The dashboards on the Startup sheet focus on issues that occur during the launch of a video asset, failures, and exits before video start.
Filters - Subtitle
Filters are provided for device group (Main, Companion, both), device type (specific type of device), session type , SVN (Software Version Number), time period (Last 24 hours, last 3 hours and last hour) and day part to refresh the numbers and charts across the dashboard.
Main Charts
The charts on the Startup sheet include Plays out of attempts, VSF (Video Start Failures) and EBVS (Exit Before Video Start) which help to understand the percentage of sessions that played successfully and the sessions that ended with VSF or EBVS failures.
The final part of the startup screen is the table at content level displaying the number of attempts and the failures that occurred on the content for VSF and EBVS.
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