An important aspect of credential sharing is the individual behaviour of users using a shared account. Understanding how users behave can help service providers make informed decisions on how to reduce sharing and maximize the potential of converting Borrowers into additional, paying subscribers. For example, by analysing the behaviour of shared accounts, service providers can identify sub-groups of sharers and tailor their approach to each group, based on their specific characteristics and behaviours.
The Account Information view is aimed at providing the in-depth analysis tools and insights accessible by CSFEye, for each analysed account and for a filtered group of accounts based on any available filter applied. The generated insights are presented in an intuitive view so that CSFEye users can investigate sharing behaviour parameters such as number of Borrower households, excess viewing, country where viewing occurs, viewing patterns, identified tagged used cases, and more.
There are several analysis tools and insights available from the Account Information view:
List of accounts: include list of accounts with details about Account ID, Score, Label, Households, Tags and Viewing Duration. The accounts on the list will be selected from the overall account base, based on the selected filters and sorting options, described below.
#of Records allow the user to select how many accounts will be included in the list, when the maximum list can come up to 10,000 different accounts.
Order By allow the users to select based on which data item the list of accounts will be sorted. The options are: score, duration, #of households. The users can also select if sorting will be ascending or not. The default sorting is by score, descending.
Account selection and filtering table is used for selecting a desired account to analyse. The table provides a quick glimpse of sharing indications per account, such as its calculated score and number of households. A filtering tool is available at the top of the table to create dedicated sub-groups of accounts based on desired criteria. Users can filter the table results by:
Account Score: The calculated score for the account.
Label: The assigned label for each account, indicating its sharing status. Label can be Sharer, Suspect or Honest.
Duration: The viewing duration of streaming (hours) performed by the account in the analysed time period.
Households: The number of detected households to be using the account in the analysed duration.
Tags: Identified use cases of sharing available on CSFEye.
Imported List: Import a list of account IDs (based on the CSFEye export file format) to filter by, presenting only accounts from that list which also meet the rest of the filtered criteria.
Export button - Results presented in the table view can be exported as an external file to be used by the service provider for additional analysis or for filtering based on the accounts in the result set in the future.
“Export” button can be found on the right upper side of the screen.
The exported file is downloaded individually and includes the following parameters: Account ID, Score, Label, Households, Tags, Duration. Selecting any individual account shall present its expanded information in the account usage window.
Account Usage Summary presents the sharing analysis details and insights, along with informative graphs generated by CSFEye during the sharing analysis process. Its primary goal is to enable an in-depth view of each account and its behaviour.
Account Usage Overview presents insights and graphs calculated during the CSFEye sharing analysis. These insights and graphs can be used to review the sharing behaviour as performed by each inspected account: number of households using the account, its viewing duration and last score are indicators to the severity of sharing. Number of sessions, devices and locations can be compared to the average non-shared accounts. Graphs presenting the score changes over time, number of households using the account per day, and excess viewing duration per day are available, to analyse how the account performs its sharing activity.
Account Usage Viewing Pattern features a graph that presents each household’s viewing activity across the viewing duration. Using this tool, users can view when and for how long each household consumes content for. It also allows users to find overlapping streaming activity between households using a shared account – further evidence of the sharing being performed across different households.
It's also showing a table with the different identified Household’s and devices linked to each household.
The viewing pattern also features a device breakdown for each household, displaying information on the devices used per households, such as the devices ID’s, Country (based on the IP), connection type and when each device was last active.
The see the viewing patterns on device level, users can press the “Full Screen” on the upper right side of the screen.
Location Map is another visual representation of the account and its households and devices used to consume content from. Using IP-to-location services and the IP addresses used by each device, CSFEye presents in which country the households and their devices are located when consuming content.