By providing a standard metric-oriented dataset conforming to corporate-wide data definitions that can be used across the business, Clarissa breaks through the typical data silos to generate consistent, reliable metrics and insights that can be leveraged by multiple types of users.
Available Configurations
Active Viewing Session: We define an active viewing session as one minute or more viewing of a linear programme, recording, or VOD asset on any device. This minimum threshold for an active viewing session is configurable by the video platform to match their own data definitions. We have seen that Netflix uses 2 minutes and some other services prefer 30 seconds as their preferred duration.
Capping is the software process to clean up unmatched viewing on the set-top box device. This unmatched viewing occurs due to 2 main causes:
People turn off their TV, but not their device, so the viewing session continues to be captured.
People switch the input source on their TV, but their device continues to stream and the session continues to be captured.
Most capping models today only account for the first condition and hence only late-night events tend to get capped for accurate viewing figures. However, with the rise of Smart TVs and the number of connected video devices sharing a screen, the second cause is also becoming a significant reason to cap. Synamedia has implemented a best-of-breed capping algorithm to ensure that the viewing consumption metrics you receive are an accurate reflection of viewing on your platform.
Choosing to receive capped or uncapped data, as well as adjusting the capping sensitivity is configurable.
Data retention periods is another area of configuration. The default on Clarissa is to provide 1 calendar month of identifiable data (at viewer account and device level) and 3 months of data at the aggregate level but this may be extended to meet the video platform’s requirements.