We work with video platforms to highlight gaps in insights not served by legacy data and provide them with 2 options:
Integrating with the Clarissa Client Library or
Expanding their legacy data footprint
We have video platform customers who have implemented both approaches successfully.
Clarissa Client Library
The Clarissa Client Library (CCL) provides an environment enabling any client device to report the required events to the Clarissa platform in a consistent manner across multiple device types.
How CCL Works
Utilizing information provided by the client application, the CCL handles the basic service discovery and authentication tasks and provides a single API that the client application calls to report events and their associated data.
In addition to validating that the event data contains the appropriate information, the CCL handles the details of the event message queue including management, scheduling, and publishing the events to the Clarissa service.
Synamedia CCL consists of a standard library and integration guide available through the Clarissa Developer Portal for service providers to integrate into their respective applications.
Devices Supported by CCL
Synamedia CCL is available on the following device types and will be backwards compatible with up to two prior OS versions:
Apple TVOS
Android and Android TV
JavaScript for browser-based applications and non-Android Smart TV’s
Fundamentally and by design, CCL is platform agnostic. The list above is not exhaustive, and CCL can be extended to support any platform that is required by the video platform.
No Player Dependencies
The Clarissa Client Library (CCL) provides a simple way for the application to send events to Clarissa, both events that originate from the Application and that originate from the Video Player the application uses. The CCL is available across platforms (Android, iOS, Web, Linux) and is a simple library to include within the Application and simply provides an interface for the Application to send events, the CCL manages discovery, authentication and buffering of events to Clarissa.
As there are a large variety of Video Players available across platforms, the CCL takes the approach of integrating with the Application for the events that originate from the Video Player, rather than with the Video Player directly. The Application registers for events from the Video Player and passes them onto the CCL. This approach decouples the CCL from the particular Video Player(s) chosen across the Applications and allows the Application to change Video Player or version whenever needed without any dependency on the CCL integration.
We have implemented and deployed this approach on a range of devices and can provide a reference app implementation for ExoPlayer (Android devices) and the native player on iOS and AppleTV devices.
Integrating with Platform Data
Clarissa can accept data from any existing data sources available from the video platform. Typically, these include content metadata but can also be extended to cover viewer details and subscription to packages that Clarissa can consume to deliver more value. We also work with video platforms to identify the missing data needed to power Clarissa and the best way to go about ingesting that data into Clarissa.