Synamedia Clarissa is designed to ensure that your viewers’ data meets the most stringent global standards for privacy – from the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) standard to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
Better Privacy, Better Business Outcomes
At the same time, the reason you work with Synamedia Clarissa is to get actionable insights that will enhance your business. That’s why, regardless of whether your viewers opt in to or out of PII data targeting, you get the best of both worlds with our solution: fully compliant data privacy and access to relevant data for generating valuable insights. Synamedia Clarissa’s data privacy approach brings out the best in business outcomes, while protecting the confidentiality of your viewers’ data.
The Clarissa Consent Database
When Synamedia Clarissa receives an opt-out request for a data subject, we ensure that this user along with the date of opt-out is recorded in the Consent Database along with the date after which this user’s data is not searchable in the Clarissa dataset. We have taken care to ensure that the time lag between Clarissa receiving the opt-out request to the implementation of that consent is no more than 30 days.